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Vicomtech gives the 5G Architectures for Industry 4.0 Seminar to students of the IMH Advanced Manufacturing Center

On May 7, Vicomtech gave the seminar “5G Architectures for Industry 4.0” during a full day to the students of the Digital Manufacturing University Master by the Advanced Manufacturing Center of the IMH (Machine Tool Institute). During the session, the 15 students that make up the group had the opportunity to learn first-hand different technological, operational, scientific, and regulatory aspects of the modules involved in a communications infrastructure with the ability to communicate intelligently and adaptively. The students were able to verify through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions that this infrastructure responds to the dynamic and concurrent needs in the field of Industry 4.0 and that they have different application and configuration possibilities.

The seminar met the main objectives that were set:

  • To provide information aimed at understanding to what extent various 5G technologies can respond to the communication needs of innovative production processes as well as their state of maturity
  • To provide sufficient notions to design an architecture with a focus on the specific needs and characteristics of communications.
  • To understand a map of technologies that can be used for each module
  • To Acquire knowledge about the state of the art of the current research lines, the standard development plans, and their extension.

This training session is part of the knowledge transfer and training objectives on 5G technologies set in the Cervera Openverso network of Excellence’s plan.

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