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Aingura IIoT uses Vicomtech’s 5G infrastructure to fine-tune its latest developments

The IoT Communications team of Aingura IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) visited Vicomtech’s facilities last January in order to carry out a series of tests using the centre’s 5G infrastructure. Aingura IIoT is a company from Gipuzkoa whose objective is to promote the implementation of digitalisation in companies, improving their competitiveness at product, process and service level through their capacity to solve real problems using Artificial Intelligence technologies. The application of these systems to the industrial sector stands out in its activity.

The company needed to verify and validate its systems and the latest developments in a controlled environment before implementing them in a commercial 5G network. With this objective, they contacted Vicomtech, which provided the necessary structure to carry out the preliminary tests. These tests have been carried out on the Open-VERSO 5G NSA and SA infrastructure, and have been based on capturing the limits of 5G technology for the performance of their IIoT systems with 5G communications. In addition to this test session, a second visit was made with the objective of testing direct connectivity within a cell and checking performance as well as debugging issues in its protocol stack.

Vicomtech as part of the consortium that makes up the Open-VERSO National Network of Excellence and reflecting the philosophy of this Cervera initiative, has made available to Aingura IIoT the standard and functional 5G network it has. The Centre has provided the company with access to its own know-how and infrastructures to facilitate the fine-tuning of their developments, remove barriers to market entry and flatten learning curves. In this way, Aingura IIoT has been able to test its own technology in a real and controlled infrastructure.

The experience has been very positive and this opportunity is being extended to other companies that may have similar needs in the future.

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