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AI-Based Autonomous Control, Management, and Orchestration in 5G: From Standards to Algorithm

Dario Bega, Marco Gramaglia, Ramon Perez, Marco Fiore, Albert Banchs, Xavier Costa-Pérez


@ARTICLE{9277894,  author={Bega, Dario and Gramaglia, Marco and Perez, Ramon and Fiore, Marco and Banchs, Albert and Costa-Pérez, Xavier},  journal={IEEE Network},   title={AI-Based Autonomous Control, Management, and Orchestration in 5G: From Standards to Algorithms},   year={2020},  volume={34},  number={6},  pages={14-20},  doi={10.1109/MNET.001.2000047}}


While the application of artificial intelligence (Ai) to 5G networks has raised strong interest, standard solutions to bring Ai into 5G systems are still in their infancy and have a long way to go before they can be used to build an operational system. in this article, we contribute to bridging the gap between standards and a working solution by defining a framework that brings together the relevant standard specifications and complements them with additional building blocks. We populate this framework with concrete Ai-based algorithms that serve different purposes toward developing a fully operational system. We evaluate the performance resulting from applying our framework to control, management, and orchestration functions, showing the benefits that Ai can bring to 5G systems.

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